Stop Terrorists from Winning [OPINION]
Another terrorist attack in London Saturday night. This time a van ramming into pedestrians along with the attackers coming out of the van stabbing innocent people with hunting knives.
Seven people were killed and nearly 50 seriously injured. Three attackers were killed.
Prime Minister Theresa May vowed on Sunday a sweeping review of Britain's counter terrorism strategy saying, "enough is enough." It's the third major terrorist attack in the country in three months.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter to urge support for his executive order blocking travel to the United States from six Muslim-majority countries. The president's travel ban is currently tangled up in the courts.
My opinion is, untangle it now. Everybody wake up and stop all of these people from entering our country until they can separate the good ones from the bad.
Hello! It's quite obvious that's where the majority of these guys are coming from. I don't care what nationality or religion they are. If there's a particular spot on the globe that terrorists are coming from, then it only makes sense to focus on it.
If the tables were turned around, I would feel the same way. If there were ongoing terrorist attacks across the world and in every case it was an American doing the attack, then I would expect all Americans to be banned from traveling until we could sort out the bad guys.
I'm tired of the terrorists winning, because that's what's happening. The whole world is becoming scared because we are letting these losers win.
I'm tired of hearing about it every day. I'm tired of our children being scared to death.
Let me ask you, how do you explain what's going on to your little children, when you can hardly grasp it yourself?
How long before these terrorists start walking on our front lawns? They may be closer to that than you think.
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