Spoke-N-Sport Voted Best Bike Shop
Every week the city of Sioux Falls makes headlines. This week the two-wheel kind and Spoke-N-Sport has rolled to the top.
The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA) has certified Spoke-n-Sport as being among the top local bicycle retailers in the United States. Fewer than 200 qualified for this honor.
Spoke-N-Sport has two locations, 2019 South Minnesota in Sioux Falls and 503 Main Avenue in Brookings.
Spoke-N-Sport carries a complete line of top named bikes from leisure to competitive bikes. And when it comes to parts, accessories and service they are far ahead of the competition.
America’s Best Bike Shops certification requires not only great shopping experiences and expert staff, but also support for cycling local and national cycling advocacy.
The National Bicycle Dealers Association is a non-profit organization promoting the interests of cycling and specialty bicycle retail since 1946.
Congratulations Spoke-N-Sport.