South Dakota’s Best Under A Grand: Mount Vernon Population 462
It's the small towns that make South Dakota the greatest state in the nations, those communities with a population under a grand. Let's visit one now!
You wouldn't think there'd be all that much confusion with the name of a town. Heck, it's easy to pronounce, simple really.
Mount Vernon.
Easy to say, easy to remember. And yet, confusing. No, I'm not talking about confusion that involves that other Mount Vernon (the one that some famous guy called home). I'm talking abut confusion with another one of South Dakota's best under a grand.
It was back in the old days, the days when little communities were popping up here and there and everywhere in the Dakota Territory. And the little community we're talking about was christened with a fine name...Arlandton. I'm sure the folks that called Arlandton home loved it. All was good. But when the railroad pushed west of Mitchell in the early 1880's, it turned out the Post Office encountered some confusion with another town that sounded just a little bit like good 'ol (or new, I guess) Arlandton.
So, to keep matters separate and simple, Arlandton became....Mount Vernon.
And once again, all was well. That is, until April of 1889 when a fire pretty much destroyed the town. I mean just about all of it. But these folks, these pioneers of Mount Vernon were a hearty bunch. The town was, essentially, rebuilt.
And today? Wow! There's a reason (reasons, really) Mount Vernon is known as South Dakota Small Town Living At Its Best. The bustling business community has something for just about everyone. You can enjoy the quiet streets if you like, or maybe take advantage of one or more of their multiple workout facilities. They have a top notch school system and hey, if you're looking for something bigger, well Mitchell is a hop, skip and jump away.
And maybe if you'd like to learn even more about this fine community just ask former NFL star Chad Greenway. He proudly calls Mount Vernon his hometown.
So stop by, do a little small town visiting and discover for yourself why Mount Vernon is one of South Dakota's Best Under A Grand.
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