Six of the Most Bizarre UFO Encounters in Minnesota History
While states like New Mexico and Nevada are among the most common spots in the U.S. for UFO sightings, Minnesota has also seen its fair share. In fact, some of the most well-documented unidentified aerial phenomena occurred in 2023.
According to the National UFO Reporting Center, these are six of the most bizarre UFO sightings of the past 50 years in the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes.
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Minnesota's Strangest UFO Encounters
To read about each of these encounters in greater detail, check out the database of the National UFO Reporting Center.
Story Source: National UFO Reporting Center
What Its Really Like Inside Minnesota's Largest Candy Store!
I finally stopped by that big yellow building along a Minnesota highway and couldn't have imagined everything I'd see inside of Minnesota's Largest Candy Store!