Sioux Falls Pushes for 100K COVID- 19 Advertising Campaign
Sioux Falls will be spending $100,000 on educating the public on the COVID- 19 vaccine, as more and more people will soon have the opportunity to receive it.
According to Dakota News Now, the Sioux Falls City Council voted in favor of spending $100,000 on the marketing campaign at its scheduled meeting on Tuesday.
When asked, Sioux Falls Mayor, Paul Tenhaken explained the city's reasoning for enhancing the public's understanding of the vaccine.
I think when this was originally was allocated the thought was we’d have a public campaign around mask-wearing and mitigation and so forth, that ship has kind of sailed. Now, we need to educate people on the ethnicity of the vaccine, and how to get it, where to get it. The fact that there are priorities of people, what those are.
-Paul Tenhaken, Sioux Falls Mayor
The marketing is being created right now and will roll out soon, just as more residents in the area are able to get the COVID- 19 vaccine. The advertising will include online, as well as other forms of marketing, such as ad buys and other media placements.
A large portion of the money will also go towards building a unique website, that hopes to inform and educate citizens.
The city says it plans to unveil the website later this month or in early February. The website will also be available in multiple languages, not just English.
Story Source: Dakota News Now

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