Sioux Falls Police say three people were arrested after attempting to cash a forged check at area banks.

"A bank had received some internal communication about people that were possibly passing some forged checks. This car with the people pulled up in the drive thru of a bank and tried to pass a check," explained Sioux Falls Police Department Public Information Officer Sam Clemens.

"The clerks recognized this and called police. The officers were able to get there and found that these individuals had a forged check from a business in Aberdeen."

Clemens says the three individuals face several charges.

"They were arrested for possession of a forged check. There was some marijuana and meth found inside the vehicle. So there were drug charges as well."

Clemens identified the three suspects as 29-year-old Rebecca Milk of Sioux Falls, 23-year-old Joseph Gardener of Hudson and 35-year-old Gretchen Scott, also from Hudson.

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