Have you ever heard of the saying that some people can just do it all? Well when it comes to Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken, he can run a city while publishing a new children's book.

Somehow in between campaigning for his second term, Mayor TenHaken found the time to publish a children's book titled "A Field Trip to City Hall." The best part? You can purchase these books today, and the proceeds go towards a great cause.

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According to Mayor TenHaken's Facebook page"A Field Trip to City Hall" is about "an excited grade school class (that) visits City Hall and learns the value of serving others and being kind." When classes visit Mayor TenHaken in his office, he explains that he gives each student a copy of the book.

During this re-election campaign for mayor, Mayor TenHaken reiterated that the next four years will focus on kids since they are the future for the city. This book is one step closer to this goal since it gives every resident (especially kids) a prospective of how to be kind to one another.

So where can people purchase "A Field Trip to City Hall?" These books can be found at Child's Play Toys on Phillips Avenue in downtown Sioux Falls. When future readers buy this book, 100% of sales will go to Feeding South Dakota to benefit the organization's Backpack Program.

Reading is so critical. It really encourages kids to use their imaginations, allows them into a whole new world, and to create ideas for new stories. Plus, it gets kids away from the television and computer screens.

Readers are leaders, kids!

8 Celebrities You May to Run Into In South Dakota

You may not think of South Dakota as the crossroads of celebrity life. That's a good thing, we kind of like to live under the radar here on the upper plains.

But, living in South Dakota we are just a few degrees away from stardom. Not just because the author of the Little House on the Prairie books is from here. Or because every time Tom Brokaw shows up on TV, someone will say, "You know he's from Yankton."

We may not have as much of a chance at a celebrity sighting in South Dakota as we would in Minneapolis, but there are some famous personalities you may run into in the 605.

Best Hiking Trails Around Sioux Falls

There's nothing like spending a few hours outdoors enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer. And what better place to explore but right in your own backyard?

The Sioux Falls area has some fantastic hiking trails. Thanks to Experience Sioux Falls and their hiking guide we can start exploring today.

What a great resource, Experience Sioux Falls is really on top of everything our city has to offer and that includes scenic outdoor fun.

You may think that all these places are part of a state park. Well, some are which require a State Park sticker to enter. And some you don't.

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