A Sioux Falls man is behind bars after he allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend in her apartment in central Sioux Falls on Monday.

"He was going to pick up some property in her residence," according to Police Spokesman Sam Clemens. "That's when the two started arguing. He ended up punching her several times in the face which knocked out two of her teeth. When she tried to call 911, he grabbed the phone and prevented her from calling. He finally left on her own and she was then able to get some help."

Unfortunately, Clemens says domestic violence takes place everyday in Sioux Falls.

"Yes it does! There are all kinds of degrees of domestic violence. Sometimes it's threats. Sometimes it's punching. Sometimes there is serious injury. Domestic violence is not going away. It appears the crime increases year after year."

Clemens says 34-year-old Jacob James Desmet of Sioux Falls has been charged with aggravated assault and interference with emergency communications.

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