SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Costs are rising for a city-sponsored campaign to recruit workers to Sioux Falls, and at least one City Council member is questioning how the effort is being funded.

The website and ad campaign is aimed at attracting applicants from Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska to fill more than 2,000 unfilled jobs in Sioux Falls.

The city spent more than $35,000 building the website and buying advertising before City Council members and the public learned about the project. The Argus Leader reports costs are expected to total $100,000.

Councilman Greg Jamison says that's too much for a project the council wasn't a part of planning. He says the perception is that the city's development department piecemealed the project to avoid having to get council approval.

Mayor's spokeswoman Heather Hitterdal denies that.

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