Salmonella Bacteria in Fareway Chicken Salad Caused Death in Iowa
Another person has died as a result of salmonella bacteria found in chicken salad.
Associated Press is reporting that the salad was made by an Iowa food processing company and distributed by Fareway Stores. This instance has sickened 265 people in eight states and caused one death in Iowa.
Earlier this year KSOO reported that the United State Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) issued an alert due to salmonella being detected and reported in the Fareway Chicken Salad, with a Fareway store deli label. Once again this latest report is about chicken salad contaminated with salmonella bacteria
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the outbreak which sickened people from early January through mid-March appears to have ended.
Food safety attorney Bill Marler of Seattle says he and Iowa lawyer Steve Wandro represent 48 people filing lawsuits against Triple T Specialty Meats of Ackley, Iowa, which made the chicken salad and Fareway, based in Boone, Iowa.
The CDC says 240 were sickened in Iowa and one person died. Illinois reported 10 cases. Other states included Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
There's just something about buying prepared salads from any deli that makes me push my cart to the next isle without stopping.
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