The 11th annual Remember Rally motorcycle event will be held on Saturday, September 7th. Registration begins at 11:00 a.m. at the Howling Dog Saloon in Luverne, Minnesota (right off I-90) The ride leaves at 12:30 with the Luverne Fire Department escort out of town. Remember Rally is raising money for three veterans organizations. For more info, contact Diane Sherwood at 507-283-4194 or

This year, the event will raise money to help three national veterans organizations;  Project Sanctuary, BurnPits360, and Troops Direct.

Project Sanctuary: An organization in Colorado that holds retreats to help military families reintegrate when a soldier returns from their tour. It is a weeklong retreat that combines activities for the whole family, along with counseling. Military suicides are at an epidemic stage and Project Sanctuary has a track record of not having a single suicide in any veteran who has attended their retreat. Even after the retreat, they are provided with counseling for another 2 years

BurnPits 360:  Many soldiers have become ill after serving in Iraq & Afghanistan and the burn pits have been a strong contributing factor. Some people have dubbed it the next Agent Orange.  BurnPits 360 helps collect names of people who may be affected by the burn pits, has helped fight to get a national registry, and is fighting for funding for healthcare.

Troops Direct: This organization has forged special connections with suppliers to help get much needed personal & medical supplies to our troops overseas that might otherwise take a lot longer through normal military channels. An example on their website is when they got an immediate shipment of 1000 body wipes to a unit that had been without a shower for a month. Among other requests, Troops Direct  just got a request for a dozen tourniquets. Whether they provide medical stretchers, chalk to mark where IEDs are, or send personal care items—Troops Direct has filled many needs.

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