I've always said that I have one of the greatest jobs on earth. I fully enjoy everything that I do, and don't wake up any day thinking "oh, I have to go to work." One of the best parts of my job is getting to interact with many sports athletes, writers, and insiders throughout a day.

As a die-hard Vikings fan, it was kind of a funny feeling at first knowing that a NFL Hall of Fame quarterback that played for the Green Bay Packers would be coming into the studio. That feeling, purely as a Vikings fan.

As a NFL fan, I was ecstatic. It's not everyday you get to see someone like Bart Starr.

Starr was already in the studio as I returned. I was immediately greeted with a "hello" and was introduced to his wife, and their assistant. We talked a little bit before getting OVERTIME started and the interview on air (which you can see here)

Following OVERTIME, Jeff Thurn and I made our way to the Augustana Jeans and Jewels event. Starr was the guest speaker for the event, and his wife Cherry joined the party to add in a variety of funny stories.

Between our interview on OVERTIME and the Jeans and Jewels event, there was one common theme. Preparation is key.

Bart repeated that in life you must be prepared constantly. He had plenty of situations during football games where he recalled his team not being nervous because they were overly prepared. It was a staple of legendary head coach Vince Lombardi.

He was watching film after every game. He had meetings with coach Lombardi daily. He called his own plays from the huddle, knowing that he and Lombardi were on the same page. He was prepared. Always.

Outside of football, he relayed the message that everyone has the ability to be prepared with whatever that they do. The more you are, the better off you will be in life. You can never be too prepared.

I will never forget that, and it's good advice to live by, and I will never forget the smile on his face and Cherry's throughout the day. They seemed to enjoy their time in Sioux Falls, and I sure enjoyed having the opportunity to meet them.

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