One Spot in South Dakota Where it’s 100% Illegal to Take Photos
It's something many of us have done at one point or another, and we probably had no idea it was against the law.
Look around the U.S. and you'll find a lot of silly laws that just plain don't make sense. However, there are a few very good reasons why it's illegal to do this in the Mount Rushmore State.
So which common practice is illegal in South Dakota?
Taking pictures on train tracks.
That's right, all those senior pictures that are hanging on your fridge were technically taken illegally. But why is it illegal to take pictures on railroad tracks in South Dakota? Because the tracks are considered private property and are owned by the individual railroad.
More: Is It Illegal To Drive Barefoot In South Dakota?
Not only is it illegal to snap selfies or senior pictures on train tracks in South Dakota, but it's also illegal in almost the entire U.S. In fact, in many areas of the country, it's illegal to even set foot on railroad tracks. Police are very much willing to arrest individuals caught doing this, as it's breaking the law.
So why the strict laws? At the end of the day, it comes down to safety. You may think that you have plenty of time to get off the tracks because you can hear a train coming, but keep in mind, that most trains travel between 75-125 mph. It's also important to remember that sometimes trains don't always use their horns, especially if the cars are pushing the locomotive, which can happen quite often.
The moral of the story? Just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean it's not dangerous. Stay off the tracks, South Dakota.
Story Source: Nutty Hiker
Story Source: Digital Photography School Website