Harold Krueger of North Dakota recently lost his wife of 63 years.  As if that wasn't heartbreaking enough, it was right before his 90th birthday.

His daughter decided to takeover the party preparations her mother had started, but she added her own twist.

She put his PO Box up on Facebook and asked her friends to send him birthday cards.

She gave a brief description of her dad and the situation.  Harold is a decorated World War Two veteran, and also served in Korea AND Vietnam so plenty of people were willing to help out.

The post went viral on Facebook and Harold has received thousands of cards from 48 states.

His favorites are the ones from kids because they tell the truth.

If you would like to send Harold a card the address is:

Harold Krueger

P.O. Box 176

Wishek, North Dakota 58495


This story just fills me with warm and fuzzies.  I love seeing the internet and Facebook being used for good instead of evil.  We hear so many stories about cyber bullying and name calling and mean comments on YouTube that it is nice to hear of people using social media to spread love and happiness.


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