National Girl Scout Day: What’s South Dakota’s Favorite Cookie?
The Girl Scouts' mission statement states: "Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place." Today is National Girl Scout Day! Every year, this day commemorates Girl Scouting in America. It certainly goes beyond the Thin Mints or Tagalongs. It's about girls and young women empowering themselves and the world just by spreading a little kindness. And cookies could be the reason behind that...who doesn't love Girl Scout Cookie Season?!
Being a Lifetime Girl Scout Member myself, I remember going door-to-door around my neighborhood selling Girl Scout Cookies. My troop always had a goal to reach. The biggest goal we achieved as a troop was earning a trip to Savannah, Georgia which is the birthplace of Girl Scouts. That trip would not happen if it wasn't for cookie sellers, other troop fundraisers, and some generous donors!
Since cookie season is currently in full swing in the Sioux Empire, what's everyone's favorite Girl Scout Cookie? Take a look at the top cookie list from Fatherly to find out which cookie is on your state's list.
South Dakota: Thin Mints
Minnesota: Thin Mints
Iowa: Caramel deLites or Samoas (My personal favorite!)
Illinois: Thin Mints
Looks like most of the Sioux Empire is stocking their freezers with Thin Mints! What is your favorite Girl Scout Cookie?

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