Most People Celebrate Easter and Spend $151
I have always had a special place in my heart for the Easter holiday. Of course the meaning of Easter is the most important thing in our whole life. It's about our savior promising eternal life.
Now, the joys and traditions of the holiday have a nice touch in their special way. I'm talking the candy and Easter baskets, along with kids coloring Easter eggs.
I've got clear memories of mom mixing up all the various colors in coffee cups on the counter. And then dipping the hard boiled eggs in using the little wire egg holder that was supplied with the egg coloring kit. And don't leave out writing on the egg with the invisible marker.
A traditional meal was naturally a ham dinner with all the trimmings. Many people choose to go to a restaurant for Easter brunch. This of course, after Easter Sunday church services.
Roughly eight in 10 Americans plan to celebrate Easter this year, with average spending on the holiday predicted to reach $151, according to new survey results published by the National Retail Federation.
With Spring in the air and being close to family, Easter is one of my favorite days of the year.
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