NBC's new reality show, Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge, is going to get a taste of South Dakota.

Four Sioux Falls natives will be featured on the show.

Paul Ten Haken is notable in the community as CEO of Click Rain and he was the first to get wind of the show and applied. He heard back and they asked him about his team.

He was then on a mission to find one male and two females to join his Spartan team.

Those three lucky folks turned out to be his brother, Mark, and friends NaTasha Krempges and Tracy Kuipers.

Now, for those of you unfamiliar with Spartan races, they are the most brutal obstacle race around.

On NBC's website, they describe the show as follows:

In each episode of this seven-episode series, six teams of five compete in the world's most grueling mile-long obstacle course. Each team consists of two men, two women and a team captain. No team gets through the demanding obstacles or crosses the finish line without working together. From muddy crawls under barbed wire to rope-burning climbs, the competition culminates with one of the most arduous obstacles ever built: the dreaded slip wall. As teams progress in the competition and the obstacles get more punishing, teamwork is the only way to come out on top.

Maybe that's why the grand prize is $250,000.

Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge premieres June 13 at 9.

Keep an eye out for our local team!

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