Let’s Head to the Zoo and Grab Us Some Poo!
It's one of the most fun things to do with kids or grandkids. Heck, it's a great time even without the young folk!
The Zoo. Whether it's right here in Sioux Falls, or maybe a road trip to Omaha (one of the benefits of having family down there in Cornhusker Country). A nice leisurely walk through the Zoo on a late spring or early summer day. Checking out the Zebra's, the Tigers, the Flamingo's, the Rhino's. Oh, and spending a little time with the Monkey's, who seem as entertained by us as we are of them.
Yep, what could be better than a nice afternoon at the Zoo?
Well, how about bringing home some Zoo Poo?
Huh? You mean.... uh... Poo as in what the animals leave behind from the behind?
Yes, that Poo.
The Detroit Zoo (if my memory serves, that would be a bit east of here) will soon be adding Zoo Poo to their souvenir stand. Not only can you bring home a stuffed replica of that elephant you just saw, you can bring home a part of the big beast itself!
It happens on April 14 and is part of what they call GreenFest. Free buckets of 5 pounds of animal manure will be handed out. But it's just for the first 1,000 customers so get there early to secure your bucket of Poo Gold. They say its a nutrient rich fertilizer and is great for putting in your garden (Yeah, would be a lot easier than getting Dumbo the Elephant in to squat I guess).
So if you've ever thought about securing some Zoo Poo (Now come on, you've never thought about that), see you in Detroit April 14. Maybe we can catch a Tigers game at the same time.
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