PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — A bill that would outlaw non-emergency abortions in South Dakota at or beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy is headed to Governor Dennis Daugaard.

The Senate voted 26-7 on Wednesday to accept changes the House made to the bill.

The proposed ban is based on the disputed premise that a fetus can feel pain at that stage.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has gathered evidence that fetal pain is unlikely until weeks later.

The proposal offers some exemptions for women in medical emergencies, but not in cases of rape or incest.

A spokeswoman for Daugaard has said he is against abortion, but is reserving judgment on the bill until it reaches his desk.

The Guttmacher Institute, an abortion rights nonprofit, says South Dakota currently limits abortions at 24 weeks.

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