A Quad Cities, Iowa woman has found herself on the wrong side of the law and possibly facing a 10-year jail sentence after being charged with theft by fraud.

The 19-year-old St. Ambrose University student was arrested on January 23rd. Madison Russo had started a GoFundMe page and shared her "cancer journey" on social media, including Tik Tok.

She claimed to have leukemia and pancreatic cancer, including a tumor "the size of a football" wrapped around her spine.

The student was apparently informed on by people who noticed major medical discrepancies in some of the videos she posted. The GoFundMe page had raised around  $39,000, all of which has been returned to the over 439 donors who gave to the fund.

GoFundMe has taken down the page and banned Russo from the site for life. She was released from jail on a $10,000 bond the same day she was arrested and is due back in court on March 2.

Sources: New York Post, Wikipedia, GoFundMe and People

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