Iowa Man Who Beheaded Satanic Statue at Capitol Promptly Arrested
An Iowa man, who beheaded a statue at the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines back in December, has been arrested. The act of vandalism drew attention across the entire U.S. and led to law enforcement action
Michael Cassidy (the alleged perpetrator) made it clear how he felt about the statue's presence at the Capitol after the act was committed.
According to the Polk County Prosecutor's Office, the display was damaged beyond repair, and charges are brought equally to anyone who destroys public property, regardless of what that property represents.
Cassidy, who is a native of Mississippi, has been charged with a misdemeanor, along with an enhanced charge of a Class-D felony.
Cassidy appeared on national news a few days after the incident, saying that "nobody was there and it offended me. It touched a nerve." Cassidy went on to describe it as an "act of Christian civil disobedience."
Michael Cassidy recently ran for office in the Mississippi State House back in 2023 but was defeated 55% to 38%.
According to the Iowa Department of Administrative Services, the Satanic Display at the Capitol Building met the application requirements for the display. As unsightly as the display was to many Iowans, it was protected by the First Amendment.
Read the full article from NBC News here.
Story Sources: NBC News,