Introducing The KG&G Cattle Company
I grew up on a farm. A little farm just outside a little town.
My folks rented 80 acres of farmland. Dad planted the usual...corn, beans, oats. And we had animals. I mean, a variety of animals. Through the years there were 8 or 9 milk cows, calves, some pigs, a few sheep, some chickens. I remember a goat or two from time to time. Heck, my brother even had a horse for a while, until they traded it for a used car.
So I pretty much have high-tech farming in my blood.
My daughter Jessie and her husband (yeah, my son-in-law Barrett, I like him fine) and their three kids live on a small farm in Nebraska (anytime we cross the border into Nebraska we have to chant 'Go Big Red', otherwise we get a flat tire. They told us that. I'm not sure it's true). They have pigs and cattle, and in numbers not huge, but a whole lot bigger than we had on our little farmstead. Their kids help out on the farm, just like my brother and I did back in the day. 16-year-old Lane and 14-year-old Hailey and 9-year-old MacKenna.
I was talking to Kenna (I pretty much just dropped the 'Mac' part) and between Grandma and Grandpa and Kenna, we made a decision. Now, this wasn't some little piddly decision, no sir. It was a biggie.
We were going into the cattle business. Kenna...Grandpa...and Grandma. We'd put up the initial investment, we'd keep them at Kenna's farm (we decided it was Kenna's farm, not her folks) and she would make sure they were fed, got all their medications and watch them grow and grow!
Now, when I talk about me 'growing up on a farm', I'm taking more than 50 years ago. It's been a while. I've been a green-horn town fella for a long time. So I wasn't, ahhh..up-to-date on the cattle business.
I asked my daughter how much a calf was going to cost to get us started. She told me how much for a Holstein, and then she told me how much if we wanted to go with an Angus.
Holstein, please.
So we invested the big bucks into a Holstein calf. Well, as luck would have it, when they bought a bunch of calves, turns out they bought enough of them that Kenna, Grandpa and Grandma got...two!
I told Kenna that anything more than one was a herd (admittedly not a big herd, but a herd nonetheless). Now we were an honest-to-goodness Cattle Company! And Kenna had to name our company. And she did.
The KG&G Cattle Company was born. Kenna, Grandpa and Grandma. KG&G. Perfect.
And then she had to name the two calves. And she did. In those pictures up there, you are looking at Wacky Wade. And Buster. Oh, and Kenna. She's the tall one.
They're bigger now, the pictures have just a little bit of age on them. The day will come when we sell them, so now I'm keeping an eye and an ear on the cattle market. It's what us cattle baron's do. And when they get sold, hopefully for a good price, maybe we'll re-invest and get...four calves. Increase the herd, you see.
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