The month of February officially kick started the Girl Scout Cookie season again in the Sioux Empire.

In case you haven't heard the news yet, the girls also have a couple of new flavors of cookies they're are selling this year too. The S’mores cookie, which is a crunchy graham sandwich cookie filled with creamy chocolate and marshmallow filling, and the Toffee-Tastic, a gluten-free cookie.

Word has it there are 12 different types of Girl Scout Cookies a person can buy this year. But be advised, not every cookie variety is available in every region of the country. So now the question becomes, how can I get my hands on a box, or two, or six, or twelve?

According to KDLT TV, the Girls Scouts are still selling door to door, but there’s now an option to buy online while still contributing to the troop of your choice. The online option makes it easier for those who live out of town or for far-away family members to buy cookies. You’re even able to pick the troop or Girl Scout you want to buy from with a special code.

If you're craving Girl Scout Cookies and plan to do a little shopping at the Empire Mall, you can catch girls at the Empire every weekend in February selling a full assortment of delicious, Girl Scout Cookies.

For more information on how to satisfy your Girl Scout Cookie craving, click here.

Source: KDLT TV

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