I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world. I had the best father a person could have. While the rest of the world called him Marv, I got to call him Dad. It couldn't get any better than this.

Yep, I was the luckiest guy in the world. And then, I got luckier.

My Dad left the planet over a decade ago, yet now I'm blessed to know and love not one great dad, but two!

That handsome fella in the picture on the right up there is one helluva dad. I couldn't be more proud to call him my son, and along with that beautiful lady there, they have the two boys I call my Grand Young 'un's. And he's the best dad I know. He discovered the secret to being a 'Best Dad'.

In addition to being involved in his kids sports, school, church and all the other activities that fill a young kids life, these little fella's know something very important: Their Dad loves them. Oh, they may not realize it fully yet, but they feel it inside and that's most important.

And then there's my favorite Dad number two up there on the left. I haven't known him quite as long. You see, he married that beautiful lady there, my daughter, and of course he wasn't good enough... there's never anyone good enough to marry your daughter.

But as it turn's out, he's more than OK. And a big reason for that is, yep...he's a helluva dad, too. Those 3 kids in that picture I call Grand Young 'un's love that fella, and so do I. Whether the oldest boy is riding along in the truck or on tractor, or the girls are at his side by the truck, the tractor (or the pigs!) looking up to the man that loves them more than life itself, there's a bond there that can never, will never be broken.

And so, this Fathers Day, while I certainly miss my Dad, I sure am blessed to have two really doggone good 'uns right here in my life.

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