Hey Sioux Falls Here’s 8 Easy Ways To Turn Up Your Burn
The good news is, you're staying fit. You work out and do the things you're supposed to, to keep your body in shape. But you're wondering if there's anything else you could, or should, do. But it has to be quick and simple.
I mean, you have a life to live. You can't spend all your time in the gym, at the wellness center, or whatever workout place you've chosen. You don't want to give up your social life altogether!
Well, here I am to tell you you don't have to! You don't have to take extra boot camp classes or fill up on more and more supplements.

Holly Wyatt, M.D. at the University of Colorado's Anschutz Health and Wellness Center says there are easy ways to turn up your burn and it doesn't take a lot of time. Here are 8 examples:
You can scatter a few of these little moves throughout your day and you'll be burning more calories morning, noon and/or night. And happy burning!
Diverging Diamond
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