Four Day Workweek Coming Soon to Job near You
Somebody asked me what Labor Day was about besides grilling. I'm still confused with the question and more so, his remark about grilling.
Because first of all, I grill a lot. I don't need it to be a holiday for crying out loud. This week I grilled on Monday and I plan on firing up on Thursday.
And second of all, Labor Day has to do with workers getting a day off. Now this leads me into a very interesting discussion on having everybody go to a four day workweek.
Same pay and same amount of work, but four days on the job. Think about it, we really do well when we hit this on three different holidays in the Summer.
Memorial Day and Labor Day has us working Tuesday thru Friday and we love it. The three day weekend is grand.
However, I'm open for discussion on having Wednesday off as a better plan. Remember the Fourth of July this year on a Wednesday? We worked two days, took a day break and then worked two more days and it was the weekend.
Think of how much better our life would be and how our work ethics would improve. We still have the same work load as the five day workweek, but do it all in four days.
This thought of mine could become a reality as employers look for alternative ways to attract staff and boost productivity. Research suggests that a wide range of industries are opening up to the idea of a shorter workweek.
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