Elf The Musical is based on the 2003 Will Ferrell movie of the same name. It is the story of Buddy the Elf and his journey of self-discovery. After being taken in and raised by elves at the North Pole, he learns that he is actually a human and travels to New York City to meet his birth father. Then hilarity and musical numbers ensue.

If you are a fan of the movie, you will love the stage version. It is full of colorful sets, costumes, and characters. While it is definitely a family friendly show, there were a few *wink nudge* moments for the adults. I literally laughed out loud more than once.

My favorite musical number was probably the scene where they are decorating the Macy's store. It is called "Sparklejollytwinklejingley" and it is everything a musical number should be! There was dancing and singing and a Christmas tree! This scene was full of props and any time you add a prop to choreography there is a higher risk of mistake, but I didn't see one step out of sync. The biggest surprise was when the elves somehow did a costume change. One minute, they're wearing their basic elf costumes and then the next thing I know, they are in glittery new costumes! Wait! How did that happen? Then the Christmas tree grew even bigger and it was amazing!

I'm also a sucker for sentimental moments, I definitely got goosebumps when Buddy gives his speech about believing in Santa Claus and it starts to snow. It was so pretty! I mean, there was a real flying sleigh and everything!

Speaking of pretty, I loved the sets. Buddy's biological Dad works in publishing so a lot of the sets looked like illustrations from a book. Even the sets for NYC landmarks like The Empire State Building and Rockefeller Center had a sense of whimsy.

Elf The Musical has shows November 24th at 2 PM and 7:30 PM and again on November 25th at 2 PM at The Washington Pavilion. Tickets are available here.

It's a great way to start off the Holiday season! And remember, the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!

Elf: The Musical


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