Does The Sioux Falls Street Department Care About Their Work?
With miles and miles of road construction just in the Sioux Falls city limits, you would think a simple repair wouldn't be a complicated project.

Let's take a look at one such area that received its second go-around. The portion repaired is north of the 49th Street and Terry Avenue intersection in southwest Sioux Falls.
The week of October 24 the City of Sioux Falls Street Department made the necessary cut out to replace the asphalt. About two car lengths long.
The week of October 31 crews came back and filled in the space.
But, what is disturbing is (1) the curb was never repaired. When this same section of asphalt was replaced a few years ago the curb went untouched as well.
And, (2) why didn't the street crew remove the excess road debris? There are still two piles remaining.
I'm really glad this lane was repaired. If you had seen it a couple of weeks ago, it was all potholes and broken asphalt. Risky to drive on, and nearly impossible to bike through.
Sioux Falls continues to tote its accomplishments promoting growth and looking to a strong future. Building out further. Developing new districts and expanding, trying to keep up with demand.
How about keeping up the present and improving what exists?
If you see an area of Sioux Falls streets that needs a repair or upgrade say something. Reach out to the Street Maintenance Division.
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