Crop Report: Planting Ahead of Pace in South Dakota
The weather has been less than ideal for our farmers getting their crops in this spring. However, when it has been dry, the planting was moving at a fast pace.
As of the week ending on May 21, the corn planting is nearly complete at 88 percent done. That's ahead of the five year average of 84 percent complete.
At the same time, 47 percent of the corn has emerged compared the the 43 percent average. This is according to a report released Monday (5/22) by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
As far as the soybean planting, 56 percent of the beans were in the ground as of Sunday. That's six percentage points ahead of the five year average.
Emergence on soybeans is at 11 percent for the time period, a couple points behind average. See the entire report.
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