Classes for Next Generation of Family Farmers
Dakota Rural Action’s Farm Beginnings course will be offered in Mitchell, South Dakota.
Farm Beginnings is a farmer and rancher-led training and support program that provides participants the opportunity to learn first-hand about low-cost, sustainable methods of farming and ranching and the tools to successfully launch a profitable enterprise.
The farmer training is unique in that it is farmer-led, community based, and focused on sustainable agriculture. Farm Beginnings is a training program taught by local farmers and ranchers that provides participants with the support and education they will need to run their own farming operation.
Who can attend this training? Anyone interested in developing or transitioning their enterprise. Participants can be of any age, do not need to own land, and prospective, beginning, part-time, and full-time farmers are welcome.
The size and scale of production ranges from very small such as just a few acres or a small urban plot, to large with hundreds or thousands of acres in production. Experience levels range from no experience farming to currently owning and operating their own farm.
Prospective participants should contact Dakota Rural Action at 605-697-5204 ext. 280. Or go online for course information, class schedules and application.
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