Unfortunately we find ourselves seeing way too many kids with cancer and other child illnesses and no matter how many we assist with, it never gets any easier.

However, I am proud to say the Sioux Empire does a great job of helping those in need and doing what they can to assist.

The Sioux Falls Stampede are hosting the Cobey Courage Benefit Night this Saturday to help out young Cobey who is deal with a life threatening illness.

Come join us February 13th at the Stampede game and part of the ticket sales and the chuck & puck goes to Cobey and his family.

Cobey DeSchepper is 5 years old and fighting leukemia and you can purchase tickets to help out by by calling the Stampede ticket office.  Their phone number is 605-336-6060.

Tickets need to be purchased by February 10th and please mention the Cobey Courage Benefit Night. Thank you for your support. Please invite and share this event!

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