‘Biker Granny’ Turns 103; Gets First Tattoo
How would you celebrate your 103rd birthday? If you're like a woman from Michigan, you would get a tattoo.
Dorothy Pollack was spending the last several months in a Muskegon nursing home in a COVID-19 lockdown. Her family was concerned that Pollack was becoming depressed so they devised a plan to get her out into the world for some fun.
Granddaughter Teresa Zavitz-Jones told CNN, "The nurse in the home said she was horribly depressed and we needed to get her out. We couldn't see her so we had no idea how she really was. She's extremely hard of hearing so phone calls were not helpful."
Pollack had been free from the nursing home for a few weeks and decided it was time to get a tattoo.
The reason?
"It was pretty exciting because years ago my grandson wanted me to get one and I wouldn't do it," Pollack said. "All of a sudden, I decided I would like to have one. And if I could, a frog. Because I like frogs."
Ray Reasoner Jr. of A.W.O.L. Custom Tattooing in Muskegon said Pollack, "Took it like a champ. I didn't even see her wince. Maybe she had half a wince once."
Resoner Jr. said Pollack was the oldest person he had tattooed.
A quick search of Guinness World Records revealed that Pollack missed the world record by one year. Jack Reynolds from the U.K. received a tattoo at the age of 104.
Pollack's fun didn't end with her first tattoo. She followed that up with her first motorcycle ride. Pollack said she is planning more adventures. Stay tuned!
Dignity Statue:

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