Bigfoot Sighting Not Far From Sioux Falls
When my mom lived in Wyoming, I spent a lot of quality time crossing the state of Nebraska. Never, not even once did I see anything more interesting than the Norbest turkey factory in Gibbon, Nebraska!
Now the Highway Patrol in Nebraska is reporting that a Colorado woman driving on I-80 spotted what she described as Bigfoot lurking near a North Platte exit ramp area. Robin Roberts (no, not the Good Morning America co-host) said she spotted the creature at 9:00 PM near mile marker 179.
Almost immediately the Nebraska State Patrol sent a trooper to investigate. The officer found no trace of the imposing creature and as of Monday night, Bigfoot has not been seen again, so the area has been declared safe for travel.
I did mention the woman was from Colorado and I'm not accusing, just wondering if she might have seen Bigfoot through a smoky haze of some sort. . .
Source: KWCH News
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