Autumn Brings Fall Colors to Sioux Falls Foliage
Let's face it. Autumn or Fall (or whatever you want to call it) is one of those that's brings a wealth of conflicting feelings and emotions.
We aren't having to deal with the hot weather, huge electric bills caused by the AC running constantly, the myriad number of creepy crawly (or buzzing and flying) creatures, having to mow the lawn again and again and again, huge water bills as we attempt (and fail) to keep our lawns from turning brown and more.
However, it is also a signal that the South Dakota Winter is just around the corner. And that means sub-zero temperatures, ice and snow.
The one thing we can all agree on when it comes to Autumn/Fall and that is it brings with it a glorious display of color to the land.
We asked our Facebook fans to provide us a look at the Fall colors around us and they were more than happy to oblige.
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