With each passing year, the lessons we learn from our dads become more valuable.  Here is the letter I tucked into my Dad's card for Father's Day.

Fathers Day June 19, 2016

Dear Dad,

There are so many ways that you have spoken amazing things into my life.  Recently one of the things you taught me came popping into my mind when I needed it, and I wanted to tell you about it.

About two weeks ago when the weather forecast said we were going into our first heat wave, I was running errands in town.  After my last stop of getting groceries and heading for home I realized by air conditioner was no longer working.  My heart sank as all the possibilities rolled through my mind.  Certainly there would be a bill to have the AC looked at and if it was really bad, a condenser would be hundreds of dollars. I was trying to think of every angle of how to fix it with dollar signs going through my head.

Through the swirling thoughts, YOUR voice broke through clear in my head.  “If you ever have a problem with your car, check the fuse box first.  It’s easy to do and it can be an inexpensive first thing to fix.”

I got home and found the fuse box.  The AC turned out to be on its own black relay box, which really can’t indicate visually whether it’s “blown” or not.  I called different parts stores for over an hour and finally found one that had the relay switch.  Rob picked it up on the way home and I put the new one in and started the Yukon.  Cold air filled the Yukon and we had a fix for only three dollars!

Thank you Dad for all of the things you taught me, like checking a fuse box, for teaching me algebra when I would have flunked for sure without your help.   Thanks for sitting at the kitchen table and instructing me how to balance a checkbook.  Thank you for helping me move so many times in my 20’s, for holding me when I cried through a divorce.  Thank you for walking me down the aisle when I married Rob, for flying up at the last minute to help care for a dehydrated newborn grandson, for helping me move back home.  I thank you in advance for all the things I haven’t learned from you yet and still need to.

Even though a couple of weeks go by when we don’t connect because of crazy busy schedules, there are so many times I hear your voice in my mind and they are good things to hear.  As I grew up I thought all guys would be like you…kind, patient and caring.  I quickly learned that all men are not like you, but you raised the standard high for how good people in the world should be.  You are like gold my dear Dad.  I love you more than I can ever put into words and I look forward to many years we will enjoy together.

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