Out of the Top 13 burger restaurants in the U.S., seven can be found throughout the Sioux Empire. Sioux Falls is home to some of the biggest players in the burger game. Burger King, McDonald's, Hardee's and Culvers are just a few of the restaurants that make great burgers and can be found in the city.

Marketforce Information conducted a survey to find the best burger restaurants in America. According their website:

Every month, we collect, process and analyze millions of customer satisfaction and employee engagement surveys; conduct in excess of 100,000 mystery shops and audits; manage over 150,000 inbound contacts to our contact centers; and engage thousands of consumers in social media for customer recovery.

In January 2017, they surveyed 11,319 consumers and asked them about their dining habits. From that survey, they found the Top 13 Burger Restaurants according to consumer experiences.

Several months ago I did a story called "Why Your Favorite Restaurant Will Never Come to Sioux Falls and The Ones That Could Come." Two of the Top 13 Burger Restaurants made that list. I have some bad news if you're craving an In-n-Out burger. According to the company's president, In-n-Out will never go public or franchise its restaurants. All restaurants are owned by the Snyder family. There are currently over 300 stores with locations in California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Texas and Oregon.

There's better news if you crave Steak 'n Shake. According to their website, South Dakota is available for development.

Check out this video of the Top 13 Burger Restaurants in the U.S. and get ready to drool.

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