5 Simple Ways To Boost Your Natural Immunity
We've learned a lot of new words and phrases over the past two years.
I don't want to repeat some of them here because, frankly, we're getting sick and tired of hearing them. You know the ones I mean.
Well, one word that isn't new, but has become a pretty big part of our regular vocabulary is...immunity.
Our friends at Good Housekeeping have a list of ways we can all strengthen our natural immunity. And it doesn't include the one that we've heard over and over and over: Wash your hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds.
So here are five pretty simple ways that you can increase your natural immunity.
Immunity is good anytime, but it has taken on a whole new importance over these last couple years. Will doing these five simple things keep you 100% healthy? I wouldn't go that far, but it sure wouldn't hurt.