Like almost everyone else I've been tempted to post or respond to political crap on facebook. I'll admit I've succumbed to temptation a time or two but not for a long while. And I've vowed to never post political stuff on facebook because it just ain't worth it.

5 Reasons I Don't Post Political Stuff on Facebook

1-It's Not Worth A Friendship. It's great to be involved in the political process. But facebook isn't the place.  Ranting can cause hurt feelings that last.  And is showing everyone how brilliant and enlightened you are really worth ending a valued relationship?

2-Don't Waste The Time. Your facebook posts are not going to change anyones position...anyones.

3-Could Cost You Business. Posting what you feel is a really funny political meme that bashes one candidate or another can very easily be seen by potential clients that feel quite the opposite of you. It might make you feel good for a few seconds, but your offensive facebook posts could cost you lots of money for a long time.

4-You'll Be Misunderstood. You might have the best of intentions when posting something political on facebook but the hate trolls will quickly take it in another direction and your feed will soon display a bunch of 'ugly' that won't do anyone any good.

5-It Stays With You. Say It Forget It, Write It Regret It. When chatting with friends, you might get emotional and spout off and say something unfavorable in the heat of the moment. And after some thought, you apologize. When you put it out on facebook it can be very difficult to take back. Even if you take the post down, someone will have grabbed a screenshot.  And it will come back to haunt you.

Do you think it's a good idea to post political feelings on facebook?


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