2019 Strikes for Special Olympics Fundraiser Coming in September
The 2019 Strikes for Special Olympics Fundraiser is coming up in September and you don't want to miss it.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 15 from noon to 2pm at Eastway Bowl in Sioux Falls.
Not only will it be a fun event with bowling and more, you get an opportunity to help out a really great cause.
The Special Olympics rely on so many generous donations and events all year long to help further their mission and this is one of many ways you can give back.
The event will feature bowling, free t-shirt and the opportunity to spend time with some of the South Dakota Special Olympic athletes.
Anyone can participate as long as they pay/raise the $50 to participate.
To register and get signed up for a lane, contact JT Donovan at 605-413-5550 or email jtdonovan16@yahoo.com.
The event is presented by the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics.