10 Things Your Grandparents Could Do That You Can’t
You love your Grandpa and Grandma, but let's face it:
They're old fuddy-duddies.
Oh, they're sure nice to have around. Heck, when you were a kid, they were good for ice cream and all those things your mom and dad said you couldn't have. They were fantastic at Christmas and birthdays. But they sure didn't know much!

Now you're a young adult and you look at them with just a teeny bit of pity. After all, they just can't keep up anymore. They don't Instagram or TikTok. They're just awful at video games. And they haven't sent even one thing to the Cloud.
They just don't know hardly anything. Except maybe they know more than you think. And perhaps maybe even more than you know.
The fact that your grandparents know things you don't isn't anything new, not really.
My grandparents could do a whole lot of things I couldn't. I never did know how to thresh. I couldn't shoe a horse or butcher a hog. And there were a hundred more things they could do that I couldn't (and never even tried).
So it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just a real thing. And yep...Grandpa and Grandma aren't as...uh...uneducated as you think.
Matadornetwork.com/Anne Merritt Contributed To This Article
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