You can help feed South Dakotas hungry by becoming a "Hero for the Hungry" now!

As a 'Hero for the Hungry' you can make an ongoing commitment to the food insecure in South Dakota. Thanks to the Feeding South Dakota supporters 12.8 million meals were provided to families last year.

But there is still a great need in South Dakota. 1 in 9 people and 1 in 6 children are still food insecure. You can help those in need by becoming a ‘Hero for the Hungry’ today!

‘Heroes for the Hungry’ are our most loyal donors, who give each month to fund Feeding South Dakota’s life-changing work. Monthly Donor Perks include:

  • Sustainable: You provide a reliable and steady stream of resources to help us fund programs that help feed South Dakotans 365 days a year!
  • Affordable: By giving monthly, you invest what makes sense to you while making an incredible impact over the course of your pledge.
  • Convenient: Automated monthly giving alleviates the reminder of making an additional donation and saves you a stamp!

Join the Monthly Giving Program “Heroes for the Hungry”!

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