Construction is underway on a major intersection in Sioux Falls that will eventually widen the junction and improve traffic flow.  This will be similar to the project completed at 57th and Western in 2013.

Arrowhead Parkway (10th Street/Highway 42) and Sycamore Avenue is getting a new look with Phase 1 underway with Phases 2 and 3 completed by early October.

Since this also includes a stretch of highway maintained by the state, the South Dakota Department of Transportation is the lead bureau on the project.  SDDOT explains the effort as a widening of the intersection for installation of additional turn lanes on both Sycamore Avenue and Arrowhead Parkway.

1. Dual left turn lanes are being installed for all directions of traffic.
2. Right turn lanes are being installed for all directions of traffic.
3. The project will also include installation of various underground utilities.

Phase 1 is underway which involves the work on the South side of Arrowhead Parkway and the East side of Sycamore Avenue.  Once complete, Phase 2 will tackle the West side of Sycamore Avenue on the South side of Arrowhead Pkwy.  Then Phase 3 will produce changes on the North side of Arrowhead Parkway and the West side of Sycamore Avenue north of Arrowhead Parkway.  For a fuller explanation of what will happen click here.

As with all construction projects, use caution while driving through the area for the benefit of fellow travelers and construction workers.

On the left is the view from Sycamore facing south toward 10th Street.  The view on the right is 10th Street just west of the intersection with Sycamore.

10th and Sycamore North
(Dan Peters/KSOO)
10th and Sycamore West
(Dan Peters/KSOO)


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