Watch Around Town For This Sweet ’49 Chevy Fleetline
I know my cars. I mean, I know my classic cars. Or at least, I thought I did.
I've been on the planet long enough that I've seen a lot of classic cars when they were brand new on the showroom floor. Plus, my Dad had a bunch of what I would affectionately call 'junkers' through the years. When I was a little nipper I remember he had an old Kaiser. Yes, there was a car called a Kaiser, look it up. He had old Mercury's, old Ford's, old this and that. The family car I remember most from my childhood was a '59 Chevy Biscayne.
So I kind of figured I knew 'em all, from the Rambler's to the Edsel's. Well, I didn't.
I come up to the radio station on Saturday's from time to time. Drink a little coffee, do a little (very little) work, shoot-the-breeze with whoever else might be there. So on a recent Saturday I pull into the parking lot, which on Saturday is almost empty, and see it. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but wow!!! It is a beauty!
You see it there in the photo above, and I wander on over and take a long peek. I can see it's a Chevy, but I'm pretty sure it's not a Corvette or a Camaro. I walk around and round it, and then go into the station building. And I see my friend Luke.
Luke tells me it's a 1949 Fleetline.
Fleetline? Fleetline??
Turns out I'm not quite as smart as I thought I was on classic cars. I was NOT familiar with a Chevrolet Fleetline. So I did some intense and exhaustive research.
I googled it.
And according to Wikipedia, the Fleetline was introduced late in the 1941 Model year and lasted until 1952. In fact, according to the article, in 1947 the Fleetline made up for over 70% of Chevrolet's sales! So I guess I really missed the boat on the Fleetline. It goes on to say the Fleetline series today is highly collectible, and I can see why. It's a beauty!
So if you see a Fleetline cruising 41st or Minnesota Avenue, give a wave to my friend and know that you've just seen a sweet '49 Chevy Fleetline.