For some of you casual sports fans, Jimmy V Week on ESPN may be something that you are unaware of.  After reading this article and watching Jimmy V's memorable speech, I hope that Jimmy V Week and the message behind it is something that you never forget.

Cancer sucks! There is no way no sugar coat it, but with the help of great organizations like the V foundation, cancer research has come along way since Jim Valvano gave his ESPY Speech.

The V Foundation has the highest rating as a charitable organization and with the backing of ESPN and many other influential people they have reached heights I know has even surpassed their most fathomable dreams.

It all started though with a man who knew his battle was going to be tough and before that battle were to end, he wanted to make a difference and boy did he.

For more information on Jimmy V Week, the V Foundation and to donate to cancer research, check out their website.

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