Veterinary Students Are in Great Demand
For someone looking at options for a professional career, there's one field out there that has great potential. Veterinary students are in great demand right now.
Veterinary students at the U.S. Animal Health Association (USAHA) annual meeting in Kansas City, Missouri., heard a clear message: “Veterinary Students We Need You!”
Dr. Jack Shere, Deputy Administrator and Chief Veterinary Officer of USDA’s Veterinary Services, told students “the timing is right” for them because so many staff members are nearing retirement. “You will be the replacements for the people leaving diagnostic labs, government veterinary roles, and private practice.”
The profession needs young people, and those who enter the field have unlimited opportunities. Many opportunities that are possible are not just on the local, state, national levels, but even internationally as well.
Becoming a veterinarian takes some hard work and dedication. In the United States, veterinary school is a four-year degree program following undergraduate Bachelor’s degree level education (a total of 7 to 9 years: 3 to 5 years undergraduate plus 4 years of veterinary school).