Things go from bad to worse for ESPN SportsCenter anchor Scott Van Pelt. He suffers through the consequences of his mistake a little more than normal.

After making the error (and he’s not the first nor will be the last) of substituting South Dakota with San Diego when describing the Jackrabbits he agreed to wear the Yellow and Blue on air. You can watch the segment by clicking through the tweet below.

However, adding to Van Pelt’s troubles is that he attended Maryland for his higher education. Being the sports fan that he is if his alma mater falls to South Dakota State on Friday night, he will likely feel responsible for wearing the opposing colors on national television.

Van Pelt gets some street cred for coming clean on his San Diego jones. Begging Maryland to win so that his reputation can be somewhat salvaged is comical.

Only a sadist or a Jacks fan would hope for such a demise.

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