The entire nation was shocked to learn the news of the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Saturday. Justice Scalia was found dead in his sleep after a day spent hunting quail on Friday at a Cibolo Creek Ranch in West Texas.

Justice Scalia known for being a stalwart for conservatives and a brilliant constitutional scholar. A towering figure on the court whose acute legal mind forged a legacy of protecting our freedoms and the Constitution.

Scalia served for nearly 30 years on the U.S. Supreme Court after being appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. Scalia was the longest-serving current justice on the Supreme Court.

His passing will also have an affect on people here in the Sioux Empire.

Justice Scalia was scheduled to speak in Sioux Falls at the 20th Boe Forum put on by Augustana University. The forum titled "Whether the U.S. Constitution is a Living Document" was scheduled for March 9.

Augustana has since canceled the forum in the light of Scalia's passing.

More than 3,000 people had reserved free tickets for this year's forum, planning for which had been in the works for a year in advance, according to Augustana University President Rob Oliver.

Scalia died of apparent natural causes. He was 79.

Source: Argus Leader/KDLT/ABC News

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