I recently had the opportunity to visit with two women about mental illness. Phyllis Arends is with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Sioux Falls and NAMI board member Jennifer Miklos. Jennifer has been diagnosed with having Depression and Anxiety.

If you're suffering from mental illness or know someone who is---Phyllis encourages you to check out the weekly NAMI Connection Support Group in Sioux Falls.

"We call them recovery support groups. You go away feeling really good about yourself. Having a diagnosis of a mental health problem is not horrible. The NAMI Connection Support Group provides invaluable assistance to those in need. Lives very much are impacted in a positive way for those people suffering from mental illness."

If you're living with a mental illness, Phyllis says the NAMI Connection Support Group is the place to be.

"You can go there in a safe environment. One of the members had told me---' this is the place I feel unconditional acceptance. No one is judging me. No one is looking at me different because we're all there for the same reason.'"

Jennifer encourages anyone with a mental illness to attend.

"You don't have to be a NAMI member. You don't have to pre-register. You can just come if it feels like the thing to do."

The Nami Connection Support Group meets every Sunday night beginning at 6:00 P.M.

The group meets at First Congregational Church in downtown Sioux Falls.




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