Top Things To “Give Up” For Lent in South Dakota
Today is known as "Fat Tuesday" throughout the Christian world. It also is the last day to enjoy your favorite things before you sacrifice them for 40 days. So what is South Dakota doing without during Lent?
This could be a long 40 days depending on where you're from. A survey conducted by indicated the most popular habits people abstain from during Lent. This could include coffee, sweets, and dating or sex. People in and around the Sioux Empire are "fasting" from the following:
South Dakota: Coffee
Iowa: Sweets
Minnesota: Meat
Nebraska: Other Food (Diary is a great example of this)
Here's a fun fact: I am a practicing Catholic and I actively participate in fasting practices during Lent. Over the years, I've given up sweets. That has since changed in my adult years. Recently it has been drinking more water and concentrating on being a better version of myself. I even tried something crazy and gave up coffee for Lent just as the survey from suggested.
How I did it I'll never know! One thing is for sure, I can't give up coffee this year! But, I will be focusing on drinking more water and setting a new goal for myself each day.
If you're a practicing Catholic, how do you intend to observe these 40 days of Lent?