Tony Stewart Not Charged. Kevin Ward Was High On Weed.
Tony Stewart will not face criminal charges in Kevin Ward Jr.'s death, a grand jury in upstate New York decided.
The Ontario County District Attorney's office took the evidence in Stewart's case to a grand jury, which found there was no basis for criminal charges, D.A. Michael Tantillo announced Wednesday.
Tantillo said toxicology reports revealed that Ward was under the influence of marijuana at a high enough level to impair judgment.
Officials say the 'enhanced' video did not show Tony made any sudden or suspicious moves on the track before the collision with Ward Jr.
Investigators say they called in multiple accident reconstructionists who evaluated the speed of Tony's car, reaction times, distance and other relevant factors.
Investigators had said they had 'enhanced video' of the incident but clearly the footage did not persuade the grand jury that Stewart did anything illegal.
Sources: USA Today, TMZ Sports